ASHP Mid-Year kicks off on Sunday. As the biggest hospital pharmacy event of the year, it is always a great opportunity to learn about the latest trends and technologies and catch up with old friends. As usual, we have lots of new innovations and success stories to share so be sure to work these key activities into your itinerary.
Stop by the Kit Check booth (booth #1011)
- We have a ton of new features we’ll be demoing (IDN features, dashboards, shelved inventory, GS1 barcode support and more) and several Product Managers will be there to answer questions get your ideas/feedback.
- Also be sure to get a demo of our latest product, Bluesight for Controlled Substances. Enhance your controlled substance prevention initiatives with machine learning and 100% documentation reconciliation. One of our early development partners, Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters in Virginia, will be there to share their experience.
Attend the Kit Check Cocktail Hour (Monday, December 4th at 5:30pm)
- If you haven’t been to one of our ASHP events in the past, they are almost as phenomenal as our customer support. Meet other Kit Check users, eat good food and have some fun. Stop by the booth (#1011) or talk to your Kit Check representative to get a ticket.
Kit Check Customer Poster Session
Monday, December 4 from 2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
- Representatives from Edward Hospital will be sharing the success they’ve had with Kit Check to increase staff efficiency, eliminate errors and reduce inventory in the OR.
Safe travels and we’ll see you in Orlando!