Kevin MacDonald, co-founder and CEO of Kit Check, at the Heath Connect Partners fall conference in Chicago discussed the origin of the “Diversion Gap” and how to close it. The “gap” is caused by the fact that systems employed to track controlled substance storage and use in hospitals are not integrated. In addition, no tools exist to adequately identify when anomalies arise that are indicative of diversion behavior. MacDonald breaks down those gaps between storage, dispensing, administration, and waste processes across ORs and nursing floors. He also outlines how closing the gap requires a solution that is comprehensive in its data integration, specific in its conclusions and delivers information in a format that enables pharmacy staff to take action.
Kit Check’s Bluesight for Controlled Substances leverages machine learning algorithms applied to comprehensive data sets to deliver those specific and actionable results. Hospitals today use Bluesight for Controlled Substances to streamline controlled substance discrepancy reconciliation finding issues that otherwise went unnoticed while delivering 100% audit and making the entire process faster. In addition, the new IRIS feature enables pharmacy managers to see a list of hospital staff rank-ordered by diversion risk. Watch the video above for the full story or click here to learn more about Bluesight for Controlled Substances.