Kit Check Launches New Kit Sharing Feature
We are excited and proud to announce that Kit Check has become the first RFID medication solution that allows customers to process kits that are shared between multiple hospitals, and even disparate health networks, to ensure that every restocking event is safe, accurate and efficient. We’re cheerleaders for the cloud, so it was exciting for us that this, one of our “cloudiest” features, came as a result of a customer request. We love that our customers are starting to think the same way we do!
Thank You for Sharing
The customer that requested our help told us about the situation: ambulances arriving at the hospital’s ER had emergency medication bags that they would exchange with the pharmacy when the on-board kit had been depleted during a call. The used kits would be replenished and deployed the next time an ambulance requested an exchange. So far, sounds like a great case for Kit Check, but here was the catch: the kits went to multiple hospitals across the city, so other hospitals in town wouldn’t be able to use it, even if they used Kit Check, because the kit definition was hospital-specific. This sounded like a fun, fixable problem and, luckily, the other hospitals in town had the foresight to also become Kit Check customers, so we started brainstorming.
Trouble Shared is Trouble Halved
When we thought about the problem, we wanted to stick to our ethos of minimizing the user’s effort to accomplish the goal. The best solution, in our mind, is one you can’t even see. In the ideal state, any hospital that takes an emergency bag or EMT kit should be able to pop it into the Kit Check Scanning Station, click “Scan,” and Kit Check just knows what to do with it. So that’s what we built: the simplest, easiest-to-use solution to the problem. With Shared Kits, for any hospital looking to process kits created at another, it’s as simple as indicating that a particular kit type is shared across facilities. After that, it just works, travelling from facility to facility and network to network as if it were created in-house.
Have Your Share of Kit Check
The first round of customers have started to process their emergency bags using this functionality recently, and we’re thrilled to have been able to provide this capability. We’d also love to hear from anyone who wants to use this feature, or who is interested in joining the Kit Check network to take advantage of this and all of our other powerful cloud features.