ASHP Mid-year is next week, and we are thrilled to have our friends from Sandoz, Codonics, and Nephron Pharmaceuticals stopping by our booth (#1419) at ASHP to give short presentations about how they are working with Kit Check.
In addition, our own Kit Check staff will be presenting on our latest developments for our original RFID-based medication tracking product and Bluesight for Controlled Substances.
Here is our full event schedule:
Monday, December 9
RFID Enabled 503b CSPs with Nephron Pharmaceuticals
12:00 PM
This session will focus on the Works With Kit Check compliant 503B offerings of Nephron Pharmaceuticals, the first-ever vendor to produce their own RFID pharmaceutical labels in-house.
A Comprehensive Controlled Substances Diversion Solution: Collaboration, Prevention, and Operational Readiness
1:00 PM
This session will focus on getting hospitals ready to implement a drug diversion solution, nursing collaboration, best practices, and how to ensure policies and procedures reflect the tools being used, plus a demo of Bluesight for Controlled Substances.
The Bluesight Approach: Machine Learning + Human Learning
2:00 PM
This session will focus on IRIS, the statistics and science behind IRIS, how our product and data science teams validate and create new metrics, plus a demo of Bluesight for Controlled Substances.
Tuesday, December 10
Closing Gaps in the Chain of Medication Custody with Codonics
12:00 PM
Come listen to our vision for bringing Codonics and Kit Check together to provide manufacturer to patient traceability. Share your ideas and help shape the future.
RFID Enabled Medication Vials with Sandoz
1:00 PM
This session will focus on the first Works With Kit Check-compliant generic injectables. Learn how much Sandoz products can save your organization, in time and labor, for hospitals that adopt this exciting new range of products.
Controlled Substance Diversion Case Studies
2:00 PM
This session will focus on real-life cases of Bluesight for Controlled Substances customers using IRIS to find diverters, plus a demo of Bluesight for Controlled Substances.
Wednesday, December 11
Bluesight for Controlled Substances Overview
12:00 PM
This session will broadly focus on the topics above, as well as a demo of Bluesight.
Be sure to stop by Booth 1419 to hear about the latest from Kit Check!