“This morning’s talk is going to be about helping improve patient safety and efficiency using prefilled syringes and RFID. I am an advocate of utilizing technology as a medium for pharmacy practices, especially medication delivery…In this day and age with the reduction in labor force in hospital pharmacy, technology has really risen to be a huge part of the medication delivery system. It frees up labor to do other things that are important in terms of patient safety.”
The event speakers included:
- John Falkenholm, Pharm.D., Pharmacy Operations Manager, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital
- Robert Eastin, Pharm.D., Director of Central Pharmacy and Shared Services, Scripps Health
- Geoffrey Cox, Pharm.D., Director of Pharmacy Services MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Benefits of Kit Check – PharMEDium Integration
The panel discussed the many benefits of the Kit Check – PharMEDium collaboration, including improved staff satisfaction, reduced replenishment time and increased kit inventory accuracy. To read the full summary of the symposium and to learn more about the recent announcement about PharMEDium’s collaboration with Kit Check, click the button below.
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